
We value our volunteers at Shelter House and are happy to find a place for you in our dynamic, multi-faceted program. As a volunteer, you can give of your time and talents in many ways. We provide orientation and ongoing training for volunteers. You can sign up for our monthly volunteer e-newsletter to get updates on all upcoming events and volunteer opportunities.

Volunteers that wish to work closely with participants or work on the 24-hour hotline are required to attend a 30-hour Core Competency Training. This is a   24-hour class (three full days) in addition to six hours of observation. Volunteers on the Rape Response Team (RRT) must complete Advocacy Core Training, which includes self-led online training, role playing and on-the-job training.

For those not interested in direct service, opportunities include sorting through donations, collecting cell phones in the community, promoting and working events and fundraisers, handing out brochures and flyers, picking up donations, assisting with administrative duties and much more.

Opportunities for groups are also available. Your business, religious organization, youth group or other organization can work together for a group project.

If you are interested in volunteering or learning more about the volunteer program, you can contact the volunteer coordinator at 850-243-1201 or volunteer@shelterhousenwfl.org.
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Volunteer Application

Please fill out this online application if you are interested in volunteering.

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